Surgical Research Days 2025
We are very pleased to welcome you to the Surgical Research Days from 25 to 27 September 2025 at the Bonn Surgical Technology Center (BOSTER). Together, we want to explore the dynamic advances in surgical research and take an in-depth look at the key topic of ‘Surgical research in transition – wet lab versus dry lab?’.
Wet lab research has been an integral part and guarantor of groundbreaking innovations in surgery for decades. But what does the future hold? The digital transformation is revolutionising many areas of medicine – but can this development also be fully adapted to research? Can technologies such as AI-supported processes, robotics or augmented reality complement or even replace traditional research in the wet lab? These questions are at the centre of our discussions. The possible transition to dry lab research seems to offer fascinating opportunities, but also challenges that we would like to explore together.
You can look forward to a varied programme that combines top-class presentations, practical workshops and innovative technologies. Take the opportunity to network with colleagues from a wide range of surgical disciplines and become an active part of this exciting change.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie e.V.
Service Center der Chirurgischen Forschungstage 2025